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Name of the document Valid until:

KIR Certification Policy for Qualified Trusted Services


Certification Practice Statement of KIR for Trusted Non-Qualified Certificates

valid from 3rd April 2024

Certification Policy of KIR for Trusted Non-Qualified Certificates

valid from 3rd April 2024

Regulations on Remote Renewal of Qualified and Non-Qualified Certificates


Instructions on Renewal of Certificates via the Internet


Regulation of the online Store of Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa


Regulation of the mSzafir service


Regulation of the mSzafir seal service of Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A.


Name of the document Valid until:

Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 Of The European Parliament And Of The Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC


Name of the document Valid until:

Certification Practice Statement of KIR for Trusted Non-Qualified Certificates


Act on Electronic Signature of 18 September 2001

changed by Act of 5 Sep. 2016

Regulations of the Act on Electronic Signature


KIR Certification Policy for Qualified Trust Services

valid until March 20, 2024

KIR Certification Policy for Qualified Trust Services

valid until December 27, 2022

Certification Policy of KIR on Qualified Certificates

valid until March 1, 2015

Certification Policy of KIR for Trusted Non-Qualified Certificates

valid until April 2, 2024

Certification Practice Statement of KIR for Trusted Non-Qualified Certificates

valid until April 2, 2024

Name of the document Valid until:

List of qualified electronic signature and seal creation devices supported by KIR

6/05/2018 r.

Name of the document Valid until:

Trusted sources that KIR uses to verify TLS certificate orders and data
